about us

The Flutgraben e.V. is a non-profit, self-organized art association and studio in Berlin-Treptow. The association emerges from a polyphonic community of artists, groups and initiatives who contribute programmatically and organizationally in changing constellations. Flutgraben e.V. is financially fully self-supporting through the permanent rental of the studio space and the temporary rental of the communal areas. In the general assembly of the members (MVV stands for Mitgliedervollversammlung) important issues such as structural changes, programmatic orientation and far-reaching economic decisions are discussed and decided.


Once a year, the MVV elects the board that represents the members. The board makes suggestions for the topics to be addressed in the MVV and is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions. In addition, the board is actively trying to maintain the house and develops perspectives for the future of the Flutgraben building. In this context, they also keep an eye on the cultural and political dimensions of the association.


Nino Bulling, Sami Rustom, Sina Ahmadi, Dominique Hurth, Julia Lipinsky, Axel Timm, Matthias Krause Hamrin



The management (GL stands for Geschäftfsleitung) is the ‘headquarter for communication inside and outside the house. The various tasks of GL include communication with the artists, accounting, building services and the cleaning team. The GL oversees events taking place at Flutgraben, implements MVV and board resolutions, and develops ideas for the building’s infrastructure. The GL aims to maintain good neighbourly relations and contact with outside institutions. Seven people currently work on the management team in a rotating structure made up of internal and external actors.

Management (GL):

Yuyu Elmi, Matthias Krause Hamrin, Wolfgang Schlegel



The accounting department is responsible for the administration of the studios and all monetary transactions. This includes electricity, heating and operating cost bills as well as looking after the artists and employees. She maintains contact with the tax office, the tax office and other important institutions.

Yaser Mohammad, Anna Huhn


building service

The building services and cleaning team maintain and improve the functionality of the house. They make an essential contribution to ensuring that all tenants, guests and creative workers feel comfortable here and enjoy entering the building.

Building service
Jan Tontschev

Sophia Elstermann


The Atelierhaus was founded in 1997 as Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben and later renamed FLUTGRABEN e. V. The landmark building comprises around fifty artists* studios, a project room, a multi-purpose hall and a roof terrace. These common spaces can be rented on a temporary basis. Since 2004, FLUTGRABEN e. V. has also been in charge of the former watchtower at Schlesischer Busch. The Watch is known as a venue for exhibitions, lectures, screenings and residencies.